Saturday, October 15, 2016

What Does the Fossil Record Tell Us?

All right everyone, we get to go on a hike this Saturday to examine the geological evidence of a creator. Vince Newmeyer is coming with us and guiding us through the science there. Unfortunately, we probably won't be able to film it for those of you who cannot make it because he will be sharing information that has not yet been published - but isn't it cool that we'll get to hear some awesome research from a scientist who has been studying this canyon for 8 years?! What an opportunity!

If you have been doing our study group, but have not commented, please comment on the assignments so that I know you are participating and I can get you an invite to our hike. You need to have done this assignment and last 3 assignments to be ready for this field trip.

At A Glance:

1. Learn:
Video 1: Watch from 20:15 through the end (7 minutes)
Video 2: Watch from beginning to 11:00 (11 minutes)
Video 3: Watch it all (9 minutes)

2. Understand:
Review past 3 assignments and comment on the comment section if you haven't already

3. Teach:
Comment below with questions, thoughts or insights. I hope you will come with lots of questions for Vince during our hike. It might help to look at some arguments that refute some of the things we've been learning about so he can help clarify any confusion. 

Total: 27 minutes

I heard from some of you that you enjoyed the videos about geologic columns. I really like watching Ian Juby, he is entertaining, intelligent, and informative. We will be hearing from him in these first 2 videos. I hope you enjoy the 3rd super cheesy video as well. It may be silly, but they teach some important points in an entertaining way.

Video 1 (from 20:15-end):

Video 2 (from beginning to 11:00):

Video 3 (all of it):


  1. It's really crazy that people can come up with these theories and still believe in them when evidence disproves them time and time again!

    Sometimes it can get confusing cause there is supposed "evidence" for both sides of the equation. I think Heavenly Father sent us here specifically to test our faith and to make us think, but he gives us so much MORE evidence for Him. Our mortal eyes can sometimes get blinded by what other people say here and we can doubt what we know, but we just need to trust in Him!

    1. Yeah, I kind of mentioned this in my comment on last week, but the evidence is the same for both points of view - they are looking at the same data: fossils, rock layers, rate of decay, DNA, genome - but they interpret the data so differently based on what they assume to be true. It's important to remember that fact as you go into your college science classes and they present you with all this "evidence" for evolution.

      Science testifies of Christ all of the time - if it makes us doubt it is because we are interpreting the data wrong or our teachers are. I wanted you guys to see as we continue to learn more that there are perfectly good explanations and plenty of data that discredits evolution and points to a creator and the truth of His words in the Bible.

  2. How can Scientists say that we came from animals that lived BILLIONS of year ago through evolution when we came from Adam and Eve? and (now I'm not saying that I'm for evolution or that we came from it but) if we did come from evolution... Who put the animals on the earth to start it? and Who made the earth to put the animals on to start the human race?
    The answer... Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. Heavenly father was the one who made us and put us on the earth, Jesus Christ was the one who made the earth for us and everything on it is an example of God's Creation. So we did not come from evolution, But from a loving Father in Heaven who wanted the best for us.

    1. Well, according to evolutionists it happened by chance. Things started to randomly come together in a way that worked and because it worked theyou came together more and more in that way and worked better and better. It takes a lot of faith to belive that doesn't it? I still don't understand how atheist claim to not have faith in something. They believe some pretty supernatural stuff.

      You answer is much more plain and simple (because it's true 😊)

  3. I wish they would tell you these things in school. I think they should show both sides of the story, instead of the biased atheist viewpoint all the time. If there is evidence in both sides, why do they only show one? That doesn't make sense. Do the atheist scientists and school systems have an agenda? If so, why? What is their purpose for that agenda?

  4. It's really interesting how scientists just come up with things and hope they are right. They should study more. Like Cassia said they should teach what there saying in these video's in school. I don't know why they don't.

  5. Exactly yeah, what Cassia said. That makes me so mad, in schools and in the media, why don't they say things and teach things objectively? That's fine, you can teach evolution, but that's not what everyone believes! So you can't just teach evolution, teach creation too! It's ridiculous. So biased.
    Also one question I had was, where did the dinosaur fossils come from? Dinosaurs could be an extinct species, but we've found so many dinosaur fossils, so they had to've been a huge species. It makes sense to me if they died in the flood, but how come Noah didn't take two dinosaurs on the ark? Just something to think about.

  6. I always wondered why if evolution was true why there wasn't half monkey human thing wondering around. Or half evolved things arn't roaming around. I guess evolutionists just point out that half bird Dino thing. But that could just be a bird. I thought that was cool.

  7. I think it's true what Cassia said, why don't they teach the other side in school? there is evidence for both sides.

  8. These evolutionist must be out of their minds if they keep trying to prove what has been disproved over and over again.
