Monday, February 6, 2017

Millenials and the Dark Age of Science

Everyone: Read intro, captions under pictures and bolded parts in Chapter 3

Come prepared to teach the following:
3.1 Sis. Pack
3.2 Isaiah
3.3 Adam
3.4 Gracious
3.5 William
3.6 Jessalyn
3.7 Miles
3.8 Cassia

Everyone: Also, watch this video

Do you agree with what he says? What can be done about it? Do you see any connection between modern science and the millennial issues?

Come prepared to class with how you're doing with your goal and a scripture or quote that has helped you this week, or, if you are not coming to class, please write your goal and scripture in the youth mentor section of the blog.

1 comment:

  1. That was a really really interesting video!! I think I agree with it. I've seen that kind of thing in my own life--with the technology at least. Even with my miniature phone that doesn't even connect to the Internet...when you have nothing to do, you just go right to it, and that's probably not good!! ;) I think we all need to personally figure out a goal to be more with people and less with screens. When I think about it, it DOES apply to what I read in UM this week. I was reading about truthseekers, and I think that truth takes time to find, and perhaps our scientists now are just impatient and would rather take theories from a while ago and try to apply them, or perhaps it is just us, the people, who are being deceived by them and not wanting to take the time to search out the "truth" they give us by testing it. We're too lazy and impatient to care about real truth.
