Friday, November 4, 2016

Outcomes of Faith in Evolution

On Thursday, Vince Newmeyer gave a lecture about how not believing  in God could affect a society. There are certain assumptions about the meaning of life and the worth of individuals that stem from our belief of our origin.

We also learned of the agenda by the National Science Standards leaders to teach only evidence for evolution at early ages so that children come around to that way of thinking even if taught differently in the home.

After watching his lecture and/or the youtube video below, please comment below on the possible outcomes you see for individuals or society when the evolution of man becomes what we believe in.

The following YouTube video does a good job of showing that evolution is a belief system (it is not possible to believe in it without faith in things you cannot see). It also does a good job of showing some of the outcomes of that belief system in the choices we make regarding human life.


  1. Wonderful! Thanks for the resource.

  2. what I learned is that, a society without a belief in god, is one that can't progress and get the eternal happiness that they should get.

  3. That was insane! I didn't think people could believe that way (lol, I live in a bubble ;p). I thought it was fascinating, though, that he asked for proof of Darwinian evolution, and they couldn't give him a single example--they're blindly believing. I love that the Lord gives us so much proof. I wish we would just look, ya know?

  4. Even though I didn't need to watch the video people said it was a good video and so I watched it and it was amazing how people talk about evolution. That was a really good video, I learned a lot.
